03 November 2020

Milan is female: the effect of closure on the city's cultural heritage

Milano è female: how closures of cultural spaces are effecting the identity and vital essence of the city.

On the contrary of Rome, which is all outside, on show, visually extroverted, and which you can enjoy in its majesty and grandeur just walking by the street, Milan is silent, introverted, mysterious, and you take delight only when you get inside its heart, made of people, cultural events, human bondings, and secret courtyards. Rome and Milan keep an exquisite spiritual balance in Italy, with their double domain. Exactly like two human beings these two cities are complete in their personal Ying and Yang with Rome keeping the smaller feminine aspect in its religion side, and Milan maintaining the masculine side in finance.

Let’s talk about today now, the feminine energy in Milan has been stopped for many months: you can not dance, sing, meet up, create, enjoy a play, movies, all things that bring you good emotions and joy to the existence itself. Living to thrive is now allowed anymore, it does not exist, and it is not essential to survive. Milan and the whole world can keep on their existence on these bases? Can the world itself live without being creative? In order to create freedom you need to share, which is impossibile to do now. Therefore artists can not live, their are not considered essentials to life itself, as much as feeling positively excited, you can live for months, maybe forever in this way. Staying locked at home questions arise: how does this forever taste? I came back and broke from my life in London because I missed Milan’s femininity, its inclusive dimensions, its elegance which is snob in appearance, but when lived from the inside feels like you are engaging with an eccentric and noble lady. I missed to be a cell of this beautiful woman, that does not need to show off, and that launches trends simply being what she is, involving you in dances and exquisite meetings in her huge home made of courtyards-living rooms, restaurants-dining rooms, streets-corridors.

Femininity is poetry, vision, love and also no-sense, all that which you can not explain but only perceive. The no-sense is the part I prefer the most, because it allows you to breath, and does not allow to shut your consciousness down with bigotry. All the rest is rational thinking which takes your breath away, kills your soul, when instead the reason should protect and allow the soul to flourish, being the safe canal where this vital feminine flux flows. Today this kind of safety is completely absent.

Chiara Centrone